A viral image that resembles the headline of a news piece claiming that Elon Musk has decided to buy and delete Facebook has been found to be fake. “Elon Musk Offers To Buy And Then Delete Facebook” reads the text on the viral image, along with a photo of the Tesla and SpaceX CEO. A meme below the headline says “he is the chosen one”. Though the billionaire tech tycoon has an ongoing feud with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg over a host of issues, including their differing understanding of artificial intelligence, Mr Musk has not announced any move to buy Facebook.
The user, who shared the post in a Facebook group dedicated to Mr Musk on August 5, captioned it, “I love him”. It has received more than 1,600 “likes” and a further 184 people shared it.
A similar upload claiming the same thing was shared in another group on August 4. This one, too, has been shared by more than 1,000 people.
However, a little digging reveals that the Tesla tycoon has no plans to buy and delete Facebook, though he deactivated his own Facebook account a long time ago.
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